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Digital Paintings

Digital paintings I make on my own time, sometimes fan-art and others my own creation for whatever little project I've set off on. I use Paint Tool Sai 2 almost exclusively, though photoshop is often used for further photo editing effects.

More general art is posted on my general blogs.

Traditional Painting

My traditional work is mostly done with Water Colours, I enjoy the pastel and lighter colour of the medium and techniques involved with it. If not Water colour, I find Alcohol Based Markers have a beautiful saturation and use of colour blending, similar to digital painting.

Life Drawing Studies

I've spent many hours studying the human form and anatomy, but also the act of drawing fast and giving life to the lines on my paper. Life drawing is of course, more than people but it has been my primary focus. Animals move a little too fast for me to focus, but I enjoy them as well. These are some of the best studies I've collected so far.

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